The advantages of double glazing

The advantages of double glazing

If you are one of the few people living in a single-paned glass house, it’s high time you looked at installing double glazing. Tewkesbury Double Glazing experts are just one of many suppliers that can bring this to your home. What are the advantages of having double glazing installed?

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Firstly, there are the personal savings costs. Double glazing keeps the heat in the house in the winter and then out during the summer. Most of us in the UK have had to endure the typical rises in the occurrence of heat waves, and the cost of an air conditioning system is just as bad as running the boiler. Given the dramatic increase in the costs of heating or cooling your home, double glazing can provide a much cheaper alternative and help keep those costs lower.

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The other significant advantage of double glazing is that it enables you to baffle out sound and reduce the amount of disruption that you get in your living rooms. The glass’s thickness and the cavity between the panes mean that sounds from outside are muffled. This also works from the other perspective, reducing sounds inside the property. Also, more attractive frames come with double glazing, making the property look much more impressive. This will increase the property value on the open market considerably. Given how volatile it is currently, it is vitally important to keep this as high as possible.