An Englishman’s Bexleyheath Home is His Castle and Fortress.

An Englishman’s Bexleyheath Home is His Castle and Fortress.

Back in the year 1604, the English Judge and Jurist, Sir Edward Coke, proudly declared, “An Englishman’s Home is his Castle and His Fortress.”  In a famous legal battle known as the “Semayne’s Case” this wise and wordly Judge ruled that there should be stricter laws on when and how a Sheriff could enter another man’s home to issue writs.   Declaring also that if thieves or murderers should enter another man’s Bexleyheath home with the intense purpose of robbing or murdering him or his family and the homeowner should kill those intruders protecting his home, that was NOT to be considered a felony and he could not be found guilty of any crime.

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We are now living in the year 2014, and even in this modern era a man’s Bexleyheath home should still be considered his castle, safe from opportunist thieves and hardened criminals.  A place of peace and sanctuary for himself, his wife and children to reside in safely.  Fitting sturdy locks onto every door, provided by a reputable, experienced, local, Locksmith Bexleyheath such as is the most affordable and practical way to secure any home.

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If your Bexleyheath home is in need of new locks to secure your doors against would be intruders then contact the professionals who will be more than happy to help and advise you on the best locks to protect your home and family.