5 professions that robots may not be able to master in the future

5 professions that robots may not be able to master in the future

When technologies occupy many jobs, these professions will be the last in which robots replace humans.

Most human works require us to mix the following four kinds of basic tasks:  repetitive manual, non-repetitive manual, repetitive cognitive and non-repetitive cognitive. The truth is that the day will come when any human work can be executed by a machine. But the most rigorous question would be when.

There are certain works that will be exceptionally complicated to be carried out by artificial intelligence, as a result of their subjectivity. Each of the following professions requires a unique blend of human intuition, reasoning, empathy, and emotion; so it will not be easy to train a machine to perform them. The common factor, as we observed, is humanity. Keep reading http://graphixgaming.com/tips-and-ideas/architecture-education-in-india-changes-and-scope/

1.Teacher of Preschool and Primary Education


Unless we try to transform our children into small devices, teacher work should be one of the few trades that are kept as we know them. Undoubtedly, we need to establish a minimum age between man-machine based on the emotionally beneficial education required by the youngest. If we want them to behave like humans … should they be educated by robots? Controversy and comments are the order of the day. Check this also http://savourytraveller.com/big-i-the-lovable-robot-company-that-makes-our-family-and-take-care-of-our-home/

2.Professional athleterobots

Raymond Kurzweil, the American inventor, calculates that in the year 2045, computers will be a billion times more powerful than all the human brains of people who inhabit the Earth. But can we imagine soccer teams made up of robots? Would it be just as entertaining for the fans? And a robot Olympics? It is evident that for the robots it is not necessary to overcome and to dispute the first place in a competition, it would not have the same sense that has for the human beings the sport. So then, the activity of the professional athlete would be the last to fall into this technological realm, unless the sport no longer interests us. Keep reading http://spottingit.com/business-studies/if-there-are-rewards-women-are-the-most-loyal-consumers-of-brands/


Robots doing politics? In these moments it is an unlikely task without human beings. Will the policy for the machines be necessary? It seems a quite unviable criterion. For now, we can only project human beings in the political scenario of the society of the future. Thus, (fortunately or unfortunately) politicians will be among the last professionals to lose their positions on account of robotics.


To perform this task requires objective and subjective evaluations, something much more complicated for artificial intelligence. Making subjective judgments requires not only extensive knowledge about laws but knowing and analyzing the derivations of their decisions so that their judgment is fair and precise. This position of the judge can extend to all those offices that require an opinion, like a judge of a gastronomic contest.

5.Mental Health Professionalrobots

Again we return to the same point: subjectivity. Mental health specialists such as psychiatrists or psychologists will be professions that robots will hardly get to perform. As efficient as artificial intelligence may be, it can not have. In the short term, the level of understanding that humans have.

And the artists?

Art has already been greatly influenced by technology and, however much we wish it is not, it is likely that in the future this type of work will be covered even more by machines.

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