Internet world

Internet world

Since the Internet was introduced to the society about two decades ago, everything has changed. The social life, business and even the politics. Now everyone has to respect that the Internet environment has became an integral part of the daily life. It is everywhere. We are using it during shopping to buy something or just to compare the prices and products. Now, very popular among people who live in the big cities are applications that allow to call a cab. The industry of mobile applications is now the fastest developing area of the related to the Internet businesses. Another important aspect of the usage of the net is providing data. Thanks to communicators like Twitter and websites of the informational channels like BBC or CNN people are able to get information for around the world in real time. Access to any type of information is now extremely easy. However the biggest benefit coming from the Internet network today seems to be a communication. Skype, Facebook or WatsApp gave people an opportunity to communicate with others without paying single dollar. Video chats and sending photos and messages makes those communication channels the most reliable source of information. People are exchanging data without any barriers and thanks to that whole world can see what really happening in the particular regions of the world.


As in every sphere of everyday life, in the Internet exists big problem of security. We can certainly say that regarding security, Internet is the place with the biggest amount of threats lurking on users. Because the Net affects all dimensions of people’s lives, it can also cause a lot of problems in those cases. First thing is data security. It is the most important problem and in the same time it is the hardest thing to solve. Because we use the Internet even in the banking services, very often we have to type our credit card number or bank account login and password. Without sufficient level of security, this data can easily be stolen. The same goes with the email information. If the thief has access to our email account, he can get access to all our social media accounts and many other important places. Data security is not the only threat coming from the web network. Users, especially kids are exposed to many other issues that can reach them in the real life. The most dangerous problem is sexual offenders. Those people are interested only in harassing and sexual usage of the youngest. They are using various methods to create relationships with the potential victims. They impersonate other young people in order to get the trust and use it against kids.

How to deal with threats in the Internet?

To be secured, we have to perform a few actions. First one is to provide education, as in every case the knowledge gives us ability to evaluate and predict the threats. Education in the computer and Internet technologies should be basics. Then adults should educate the youngest. People, especially the younger ones, if awared are way less exposed to any kind of threats. By showing kids how to use the Internet we can teach them practical skills, also the explanation of why the security is so important can make them more willing to cooperate with adults on this field. Last thing that parents can to is to install specialist software which main goal is to provide the high level of security. Programs called Parental Control are able to block access to the websites that contain undesired content as well as filtering the email box.  It may also regulate the time span in which user is able to use the computer and making reports about the users’ activity in the Internet.

About the author: 

If you are more interested in the parental control topic, feel free to enter and get familiar with the materials and reports regarding the safety issues. PCWebControl is easy to use parental monitoring software, which is present in many households.