24 Sep Google sees the future for us including a perfect city
Google stopped being a company with a unique service search engine as long. Do not just talk about your services or operating systems but also has other projects in the pipeline and are laced divisions such as Google X: spoons that stabilize themselves , cars that drive automatically …
Larry Page wants to further enhance that facet of Google that can push through more targeted projects to make major changes. Ambition, and money to do, and not lack the latest project dubbed Google 2.0 promises to be an even bigger company.
A city and an airport reference
As reported in The Information, near people say Larry Page wants Google to locate more resources on more ambitious and complex projects. Page believes that too many resources are not being used to the maximum and should be used for two very ambitious projects: to build an airport and a city. This division created a second Google X type.
The first is no surprise coming from Google. Long ago and looked closely at the San Diego airport to create an additional terminal for Silicon Valley executives. In fact, between Eric Schmidt, Larry Page and Sergey Brin have eight private jets. However, this goes beyond creating an additional terminal. The aim is to create a new one.
What is the difference from a conventional one? Rapid to enter and also to seek out a more efficient approach. That said, it seems they want to kill all the entry and exit procedures and streamline security checks and the movement of passengers. Another option is to seek a faster way to move long distances without getting into proposals such as Elon Musk Hyperloop.
The other big leg would create a city. Little is known about this project but considering that there are many large companies cutting Xerox talking about smart cities, it seems that (as with Airport) want to create a model that serves as an example to build new cities.
They already have a lot of experience in how to get around a city ( Google Maps, City Experts, navigation systems, mapped interior …) and also have already been tested for connectivity with initiatives like Google Fiber.
Currently, there is no official confirmation from Larry Page but overlooking some of the projects that have already come to light, it is clear that the future of Google is more than just selling Adwords.