The way to Shade a building from the Sun

The way to Shade a building from the Sun

In these green and environmental times, the ability to shelter and keep an office or building cool without costing the earth in terms of using air conditioning. The use of natural shading is of paramount concern to developers and architects as they desperately try and seek answers to the problem. The answers may well be already in place for designers and have been used for many years.

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The answer is the practice of Brise Soleil, like that from Aluminium Systems. Brise Soleil is French for “sun breaker”. That is a very good description of the practice and use of the material. The object of Brise Soleil is to allow in light sunlight in the mornings and evenings but to directly stop it from getting in when the sun is in its hottest phase in the middle of the day.

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Sun Shading techniques can be easily added to the front or rear of a building. They are able to deflect the sun away from the building and almost repel it. This, combined with trees and other natural shade, can provide the perfect cover for the staff inside. The other factor is that it doesn’t make the building look terrible. In fact, it can add to it. This makes the job of the architect much easier to do. One of the difficulties that the designer has is making the offices look contemporary and attractive. If this doesn’t happen, then the building is unlikely to be taken up.