25 Sep Looking after your workplace visitors
Most businesses will have visitors to their premises for one reason or another and it is important that these visitors are managed in the right way. This is especially important if you have lots of visitors coming and going each day. A visitor could be anyone from a supplier coming to the business to bring you items that you purchase or a new client or customer coming in for a meeting.
There are a number of ways that you can look after any visitors that come to your workplace.
When a visitor first arrives it is important that they can find your reception area easily. This means having some signs clearly displaying which direction to go in and also highlighting the reception. Once they find this area you should have a process for signing your clients into your building. This is important for their safety and for yours.
A good Visitor Management System like the one offered by ofec.co.uk/visitor-management-system-uk.aspx will help you to keep track of your visitors. This means that when you have instances such as fire evacuations you can keep a note of who is in the building so you know who you need to account for.
Whilst they are in your building it is important that you are aware of where your clients are going and what access they may need to have to certain areas in your building. This is often done through the staff member that is meeting with them.