Fun objects to collect

Fun objects to collect

We all have an urge to hoard things. If you find something that you enjoy, it’s not surprising that you might have the desire to collect more and more of it. If you get to the point where the garage or a bedroom in the house is full of them, it might be time to look at using a Self Storage Kendal unit like What are some fun things to collect?

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  1. Action figures – It’s a great way to carry on your childhood, so why not start collecting figures from it? Star Wars is still very popular if you have some of the original pressings from 1977, especially if they are still in the box! At the time, it wasn’t thought that figures based on the film would prove to be a hit, and the makers took a big risk producing them.
  2. Mugs – Is there anything that hasn’t been put on a Mug? If you look hard enough, you are sure to find it.  What you can do is start to specialise in certain types. The works of William Morris, for example, or ones from films and television.

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  1. Your Football club – Shirts, programmes, mugs, scarves, sweatbands, pictures of the players, bits of the turf when the pitch gets relaid, old ticket stubs, and signed footballs. If the Club produces it, then you can collect it.
  2. Stamps. Still very popular, even in the days of email.