Phones with folding screen!


Phones with folding screen!

Samsung is one of the leading companies that they like to innovate, so we have developed the prototype of a new smartphone: it is a phone with a full wrap that folds and cross screen, thus making a screen almost twice normal.

GadgetSamsung and innovation

From time to time the company Samsung surprised us with some of their latest products , which also tend to be in the world of telephony. And this is a leading company that seeks, above all, innovation and to surprise their customers every day. The latest development is that presents a mobile phone with a folding screen and surround, plus very large, so it resembles the feeling of having two screens on one device and are linked together.

With this new prototype that Samsung is developing, all available surface is devoted to the screen and we would not have frameworks to take advantage of this and to feel that much more surprising and striking, since what is sought is that amazing screen. It is a fully color OLED display and plan to include some high-end smartphones, as well as phablets.

More about the prototype

Although currently the company itself has not confirmed if it will be something that is to be marketed or just a test, we do know that takes some time thinking about this type of device time; and since November has been talked about launching a phone with flexible display innovation and desire about having Samsung devices. So it would not surprise us to see some time in large mobile with this type of screen.