25 Aug Omate X, a new Android smartwatch with metal frame
Omate officially announces the arrival of its new gadget Omate X. The smartwatch with 1.5-inch display has an attractive design, metal frame and is based on Google’s operating system to communicate with Android and iOS devices.
With the passing of the month of smartwatch number in circulation, or soon to be available in the market, you’re exaggerating at a rapid pace. Manufacturers such as Samsung, LG and Sony, just to name a few, all have a card to play in the field of wearables and soon we will come to light new candidates as the smartwatch by Asus, one of the popular Chinese society OnePlus and the long-awaited Motorola Moto 360, blurted out publicly by Best Buy.
Among the various interested there is also a lesser known brand but that seems to have clear ideas on how to make one smartwatch. Omate TrueSmart was born last year on Kickstarter and was endowed by its creators with an impressive number of features that have made a gadget certainly interesting.
The new Omate X aims to reduce clutter and perfectly follows the evolution of the design that is leading the smartwatch to seem less and less of the devices a bit ‘awkward and more enjoyable accessories.
The design part with an aluminum frame by the thickness of 11 mm which can be used with any strap 22mm. For his smartwatch Omate chose a 1.54-inch 240×240 TFT display, MediaTek ARM7 processor, 128MB of RAM and a 400mAh battery that promises well a week of battery life. Conveniences include a speaker, camera, microphone and gyroscope.
Omate X is based on Android (not Android Wear) and is able to communicate with the operating system such as Google with IOS via Bluetooth 4.0.
Even more interesting the smartwatch will be sold at a competitive price rather than $ 129 (less than 100 €) which makes it an excellent alternative to more expensive competitors. It is not, however, yet been confirmed which areas will be affected by the distribution.