The captivating world of Albert Einstein

The captivating world of Albert Einstein

When we think of scientists that have changed the way we think about the world, Albert Einstein is always going to be in the top ten. Many of his discoveries have enabled us to look at the world in a different way and to carry out further research. His research has been used in many other labs and by many other scientists. It has even led to some smaller researchers needing to use Laboratory Relocation companies such as Aport Global to expand their research.

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Einstein was born in Germany in 1879, with his family later moved to Italy and then to Switzerland. It was in Switzerland that he joined the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School, where he trained to become a teacher of physics and maths. He received his doctorate in 1905.

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He then spent many years working as a theoretical physicist. He is probably best known for his work developing the theory of relativity and his work relating to the theory of quantum mechanics. These two now form the backbone of modern physics and our understanding of the world and the universe around us.

Einstein is also known for his equation. E= MC squared. This equation is based on his research into the theory of relativity. This equation is known as the mass-energy equivalence and is one of the first equations that physicists will come across in their education.